Monday, March 16, 2015

Acrylic Painting of Palm Trees

Between the Two Palm Trees

I was originally inspired to paint an abstract in this color scheme.  The process involved a sable brush, sponge and pallete knife. The colors I used for this painting was: black, white, green, light brown, blue, and yellow. This painting was created sometime last year in 2014.
As I stated earlier I started out with an abstract in mind but during the process I changed my mind.  I just did not like how it was develeping. I left what I had on the canvas and took a break, while on break I decided to do a beach schene in some what of an abstract style concering the sky.

As you can see when I started out with the painting my dominate color was yellow.  This eventual turn into the background forming the sky. I mixed some green and white into the yellow.  I acheived this by spraying some water on to the yellow painted surface for the sky. Then I followed up with a sponge that contained a mixture of green and white to create the clouds.  I dabbed the canvas repeatedly over the areas where I wanted clouds.

Next I focused on the water. I mixed blue and some green to acheive a seawater likeness. Later I added waves.  I accomplished this by using a sable brush which is designed to blend paint. I only used the tip of the edge of the brush with white paint.  By doing this is gave the painting a sense of depth or distance. I used the wet on wet technique to blend the seawater color tones with the sable brush in a horizotal motion.

The beach and palm trees were last in the process.  For those who do not know when you paint a landscape you always work from background to the foreground in the composition.  I used a palette knife to apply the paint to create the beach and palm trees.  I mixed black and green to get a very dark green. Also a used paint medium called Liquitex mattie super heavy gel and add it into the paint to thicken it.  By doing this it created texture which you can see in the beach and palms.  When I finish it I look at the painting and there was something missing birds so a just added some birds into the sky and this completed the painting.
This painting titled "Between the Palm Trees" are available in prints at  If you are interested in the original then please email me. Thank you.

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