Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Portrait Painting in the Studio of Artist Eddie Filer Jr.

I was one day thinking about doing a portrait painting since it had been a little while since I had done one.  I thought that it would be really good to share with my readers who are interested in art especially portrait painting.  Portrait painting is approached in different ways for many artists.  I just like the beginning stage and the stage where I can see the features emerge from out of the ugly stage.  Speaking of the ugly stage of a painting you must believe that what you are doing will bring you to your desired expectation.   I guess you can say that you paint by faith believing that what your goal is for a particular subject will come out in the way you intented.  I will share with you the follow stages of the process.

In the first stage stained the whole canvas with deluted paint using yellow ochre and burnt sienna.  I used a small round brush number 2 to draw in the porportions.  

Now I have painted in the dark tone values in the portrait which will serve as a foundation structure through out the rest of the painting.  I used all burnt umber for the phase.

As you can see, I have at this point of the painting have entered into the ugly stage.  I mixed some yellow ochre and burnt sienna.  I pretty much block in all the lightest value with this color mixture.


Now I have placed in the light value in the beard and mustash.  I have filled in the general form for the eye socket.  You can also see the lips in it's form.

Now I have started to put in the eye brow and added some darks in the beard.  At this point, I have placed in the shadow underneath the chin that is casting down onto the neck.  Also the eye ball is now painted into the eye socket.

Now I have started to place in the details such as the eye glasses and teeth.  The beard is developed even more with the merging of values using the darks and lights in the beard.

Here it is the end of the process for painting this portrait I was very pleased with the result considering I approached this painting in a more loose way.  The shirt is full painted and the hair on the head is complete by adding some dark values.  Thank you so much for reading my blog and you can see the complete development of the portrait on my YouTube channel Dee Weaver Art.  Here is the link

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Drawing of the the Girl with Braids


Have you ever seen a photo and you were intrigued by it to the point you wanted to draw it.  Well in this blog I will share with you the steps in how I made it.

I started off with the overall big shape.  Basically a contour or silhouette of the subject.

In this photo I blocked in the hair with vine charcoal.  Next I placed some horizontal lines to give suggestion as to where the brow eye nose mouth and chin will be.

Now in this photo all the porportions are determined and the features are all drawn out.  Now all that is left is adding value to the entire drawing.

I have added value to the drawing by shading what I laid down with vine charcoal.  Then afterwards I used a cotton swab to smudge in the value.

As you can see I have increase the value by adding layers of more charcoal but this time I used a number 2B compressed charcoal pencil.  The hair has more definition or detail through contrast in value that's been added to it.  The values are more darker. 

Now the drawing has reached the desired point in the process.  Everything or features have been darked and the hair has reached it's point in development.  I was very pleased with the out come.  

Sunday, January 22, 2023

"Majesty" A visual for the viewer to be mindful that the Lord is Soveriegn over all His creation

The term majesty in the Webster dictionary means soveriegn power, authority or dignity. It also is used in addressing or referring to riegning soveriegn and their consorts.  Finally, used to describe the grandeur or  magnificence of a monoarchy however, in this case theocracy the King of the Kingdom of God.

This painting when I finished bringing in all the inspired references certaintly accomplished the desired results.  When I looked at it I thought about a title for the painting and majesty came to my mind.  The rest is history.

I was inspired to do this heavenly scene of the Lord seated on His throne.  It is for the viewer to reflect upon that we are dependant upon Him and not the other way around.  He is the exalted Lord who has all power and authority over all His creation. who will be returning to set up His Kingdom on earth.  Meanwhile, we should humble ourselves to allow Him to reign on the throne of our hearts. 

"which He will manifest in His own time.  He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of Lords who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power."  Amen 
(1 Timothy 6:15-16 NKJV)

He covers the face of His throne, and spreads His cloud over it.  
(Job 26:9 NKJV)

The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all. 
(Psalm 103:19 NKJV)