Monday, July 9, 2018

Painting in Still Life using Acrylic Paint

I titled this painting "The Holy Bible and Candle".  The Holy Bible contains the written and inspired word of God which is holy.  How appropriate to title this piece because through out the Holy Bible particularly in the Psalms and Proverbs of the old testament God's Word was symbolized as light.  The word light occurs 272 times through out the Bible.  Job being the most with 31 times, Psalm 24 times and third Isaiah with 22 times. The Holy Bible contains truth for mankind it reveal God's heart and thoughts concerns all the issues of life.  In Psalm 119:105 it says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a lamp to my path," Also Psalm 119:130 says, "The entrance of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple."  When I think of artist who are know for painting light they would be Rhembrant and Kincade.  These artist were know for capturing mood the overall feeling and essence of the setting or subject.  Rhembrant a dutch painter in the 15th century in Europe painted his subjects in dark settings but lit in candle light with a dark background.  While Kincade painted out door sinces of cottages with a beautiful pallate of pastel colors expressing the indoor and out door artifical light.  I'm sure you may know others besides these to artist who are know for painting light.   In this painting I wanted to work on the skill of painting light.  If one is to have a basic understanding of painting light they must understand value the lightness or darkness of a color.  Also one must know color theory the desaturation and saturation of a color.  Finally one must grasp the concept of warm and cool colors on the color wheel.  A color can be warm, cool or neutral being (black grey and white).

Here is my process on this painting explained.  I used a #4 bright brush which is a shorter bristle and mixed raw umber and yellow ochre.  I watered down the colors to a wash to ground the canvas or to stain it.  At this point I established the compostion with a line drawing.  Here you can see where the point of emphesis being the flame on the top of the candle.  If you notice this design happens not to be a strong compostion.  There is only two subjects.  Finally, I want you to notice the perspective being established to create a sense of depth in how the bible is placed.

Now at this stage I have already blocked in the the entire painting.  I want you to notice at this point, the top of the candle the use of effectively creating the illusion of light.  This is how I accomplished this by mixing orange yellow orcher and medium yellow.  This allows the eye to see the glowing effect of light.  I did now use black to create the darkness of the background and shadows.  I mixed phthalocyanine blue raw umber and crimson to achieve this dark value.  Finally, I want you to see the surface of the table in which the light is reflected and fades as it recedes in to the darkness.  The candle is casting a shadow onto the table surface.  Here you see the reflective light on the rear side of the  bible and candle.

"Holy Bible and Candle Light" done in acrylic 10"x10" on canvas DWeaverArt © 2018

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